Browse Items (626 total)

Mayor and President of the Council W. F. Duckworth's letter endorsing the idea of the Norfolk location for the proposed Methodist college.

Brochure, issued by Virginia Wesleyan College Trustees, Library Committee, to solicit book donations for the new library.

Invitation letter to open house
An invitation letter from President Clarke to a faculty member inviting him and his family to attend the informal open house on September 11th at 4:00 p.m. and the public open house on September 18th at 3:00 p.m. Both events were scheduled to take…

This London Bridge house was built approximately 1785 by John Forrest, whose daughter Sarah married Henry Barnes Woodhouse. Sarah died young, but Woodhouse continued to occupy the house until his death in 1879.

Pen sketches on yellow loose-leaf paper of potential Virginia Wesleyan College logos.

The annual Princess Anne Garden Club Rose Show in 1953.
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