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An unidentified woman holding a plant and smiling at a child at the Women of Wesleyan Flea Market in October 1972.

Women examine containers and items on the table. The photograph may have been related to the Women of Wesleyan Flea Market.

Women of Wesleyan officer ,Thelma Brennan (right), looks down at a notebook in a discussion with another woman whose identity unknown.

A photograph of three unidentified Women of Wesleyan.

The 1970 Women of Wesleyan officers Carolyn Miles (second from left rear), Ruth Bray (second from right rear), Rebecca Rogers (right rear), and Sara Boyd (front), president.

Mrs. Thelma Brennan and Mrs. Wayne present President Lambuth Clarke with what is believed to be a check from the 1972 Women of Wesleyan Flea Market. The flea market served as a fundraising initiative for the college.
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