Browse Items (626 total)

Congressman Porter Hardy greets guests at the first Virginia Wesleyan College Village 1 groundbreaking ceremony on July 18, 1965. A Naval Amphibious Base Band waits in anticipation to provide music for the event that afternoon.

Henry Barnes Woodhouse, who lived in the London Bridge area in Princess Anne County where he farmed and operated a blacksmith shop. Woodhouse served as brigadier general of the Nineteenth Brigade, Fourth Division of the Virginia Militia in the 1840s…

Bernard P. Holland standing before the general merchandise store he opened on Seventeenth Street in Princess Anne County, Virginia, in 1910 and operated until the 1930s.

The Honorable G. William Whitehurst, Jr. at the 1971 Virginia Wesleyan College commencement ceremony.

"Ask anybody anywhere anything about the Arlington" on side of building, Virginia Beach, 1911.

The house located at the Ferry Farm on a peninsula jutting into the western branch of the Lynnhaven River.

A three page document outlining student responsibilities and acceptable and unacceptable conduct while living on campus at Virginia Wesleyan College.

Two unidentified men operating an Irish potato planter at Whitehurst on March 20, 1917.

Dr. Joseph S. Johnston's motion - written on the back of a voucher - to recommend the establishment of a four year liberal arts college in Norfolk, VA. The motion was presented at the Virginia Methodist Commission on Christian Higher Education on…

Judge Jerry Bray at the podium in the Hofheimer Library at the 1973 Virginia Wesleyan College commencement ceremony.

A Virginian-Pilot newspaper photographer followed Larry Wright of Arlington, Virginia through a typical day during the first week of classes in September, 1966.

A drawing of proposed Virginia Wesleyan College letterhead.

A second drawing of proposed Virginia Wesleyan College letterhead.

President Clarke shows a drawing of the proposed library to Trustee Helen C. Ballard (left), Mrs. Robert Koolage, and Mrs. Robert Cathey. The Virginia Methodist Advocate used this photograph on the cover of its May 18, 1967 issue to highlight the…

Virginia Wesleyan College players present, Little Mary Sunshine, by Rick Besoyan on March 26-30, 1974. The production was directed by Professor Bentley Anderson (drama) and Dr. R. David Clayton (music). Players Eileen Dorsey, Rick Higgins, Betty…

Waiting to load potatoes onto trains at Diamond Springs, Princess Anne County in 1912

A ceremonial planting of a loblolly pine took place on January 14, 1953, at 49th and Atlantic Avenue. Officials of Virginia Beach and the State Highway Commission joined members of the Council of Garden Clubs of Virginia Beach and Princess Anne…

Men standing at a logging operation in the Cape Henry "Desert" sometime in the early twentieth century.

One of two drawings of a proposed Virginia Wesleyan College logo.

A second logo proposal for Virginia Wesleyan College.
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